Options to get the links of mp3 sites
It is easier than ever to download song (unduh lagu) in this digital era as thousands of mp3 sites are available. The question is where to find the links to such sites. You can do so with the following sources.
Social media
Facebook and Instagram are ruling the social media world. You can also find some other platforms having a lot of traffic. The specialty of these platforms is the independence of the users and the collection of users from all backgrounds with varying interests. So, you can easily find people who are interested in music and songs. There will also be some groups for these people. All you should do is to join these groups and contact music lovers in person. Either through their posts or personal chats, you can get so many links to reliable mp3 sites that would not disappoint you.
Review sites
As you would anyway want to check the reviews of the music or mp3 platform before using it, you can start searching with the reviews. If you type mp3 site reviews online, you will get hundreds of review websites with plenty of reviews. Going through these reviews, you can find so many links to music platforms that you never knew existed. If the reviews are positive, you can directly proceed with that site.
Music forums
There are forums or communication sites where people with interest in a particular niche will gather and share what they know. You can ask questions and can answer others’ questions also. You can find links to mp3 downloading sites on these forums. You can even know the reviews of those sites.
Personal referrals
If any of your friends are using an mp3 platform to download songs already, you can even get the link from him. Personal referrals would be better as the person will know about the site already.